There was a clear view of the private area from below, and we saw a pointy object protruding out from between the legs. More Gender Prediction. It's A Girl Ultrasound - YouTube Definitely a little early to be sure it's a girl. According to this theory, the 'angle of the dangle' will indicate whether a baby is a boy or girl. Click here to go to Chinese gender calculator. Elective Ultrasounds With Before Birth 4D Imaging - He Or ... She returned the boy items. Get a second opinion. However I'm no expert that I think that's abit of a bulge! 12 week ultrasound.. boy or girl? Roshini Raj tackles your most personal and provocative questions. X Sperm and Y Sperm. I had another ultrasound around 16 weeks and there were two dots in between the legs. We were very excited to find out that we are having a little girl. 7. Add Friend Ignore. I dont have my 20 week scan for a few weeks yet and will drive myself mental until then! By. Thing is its still pretty small, ultrasounds arent perfect, and yes, amazingly girl parts can be mistaken for boy parts. My husband and 2 children went to the appointment with me and were so happy to see the baby on the screen. Nothing will look the way you expect it. Has this happened to anyone else ? Could it possibly be a boy??? I say girl. My wife had an U/S at 16 weeks and there were 3 very distinct white line with no obstructions. could go either way indeed. It seemed unnecessary to me but I didn't protest. If it turns dark green it means boy. Predictor says: GIRL. I also did sneak peek which said boy. The 7 Sway Factors. Good luck. I say a girl and she will be a July baby. Woman; Do 3 lines on an ultrasound mean it’s a girl? There are many reasons why your ultrasound might be wrong when it says girl or boy. Probably still a boy. Legs were completely crossed. Boy or Girl: What’s the Chance Baby’s Gender Test Is … Mom Shocked as She Delivers Baby Boy - After Doctor and Ultrasound Said It Would Be a Girl News See Mom's Stunned Reaction … However, we could clearly see during the 20-week ultrasound that my daughter was most certainly not a boy! Predictor says: BOY. It could be boy or girl. It was updated on January 28, 2021 by Katrina Butcher. After the disclaimer.. ultrasound technician said it looks like it might be a.. : GIRL! If your leg hair grows faster, it's a boy. You should check out the ultrasound forum further down the boards, you can even post your ultrasound picture there and get feedback from the ladies there, some are actually sonographers themselves. s. sabrina8288. According to the old wives’ tale, if your partner is putting on a couple of extra kilos out of pregnancy sympathy, it could be because you’re having a girl. OB said we can't decide the gender now. Via one live gender predictor, you might know the answers. Although ultrasound test is the most accurate and reliable process to determine the gender of your child, your appetite can also tell whether you're carrying a boy or a … Could it possibly be a boy??? Sometimes they can't be seen at all, and in a typical 2-D image. Now that I’m exiting out of my first trimester, I’m excited to announce that Kyle and I will be parents this spring! There are two ways a girl can be mistaken for a boy in early ultrasound photos. The first is simple. The ultrasound tech or doctor sees an umbilical cord between the legs and mistakes it for male genitalia. This can actually happen at any gestational age, making a clear image pretty important if you plan to buy non-neutral gender baby goods. Photo Credit:MadeForMums. Boy? It's said that if the nub is over 30 degrees up from the spine, it's a boy. I think the later along the more accurate the U/S will be. Our baby is huuuge & has hair!! Ole' No Name Due June 29 (girl); 1 child; Singapore, Singapore 6613 posts. Ive not included the 16/17 as its half an ultrasound (cuts off before the legs). She came out with barely anything! How does a sonographer use the 3 lines at your 20-week scan to tell if … I got the NIPT done recently, and the results say I'm pregnant with a girl. Early on in the pregnancy, I had a dream where my mum & my dad (who is now deceased; he passed away 1 wk before I gave birth to my son last year) were in the clinic/hospital waiting room while the obgyn said that he could see the crown … I was told today that the tech believes I'm having a girl. Ultrasound in the middle of pregnancy is often used to find out the gender of the future child by having the sonographer look for the baby`s genital organs. If it stays yellow or turns orange it means girl. Panorama says boy ultrasound says girl help! In fact, make that a third. If it’s a boy, you’ll be all belly. The significance of this finding varies depending on the context. I've seen some which say it's a textbook girl from the rear and some which say that's defo a boy on similar pictures. Twin Belly Picture - 20 Weeks Having DI/DI twins, Boy & Girl. "Ha, ha, ha," laughed Nadamura, her husband, their family and Jackson. Gender Odds. It’s because of this that gender scan accuracy is greater after the 20 th week when, in the majority of babies that have been accurately aged, external-sex organ development is complete, and the baby is larger. Girl Ultrasound Wrong: Can a girl turn out to be a boy then? It feels so crazy to say that, but wow, do I feel it. Some other people says you can know whether it’s a boy r a girl by checking your breast, If the right side is bigger than the left, then you are having a baby boy and if the left is bigger, then it’s a baby girl. Nov 3, 2021 at 1:14 pm. This is our 21 week and 3 day ultrasound. O***** Reviewed 10/17/2021 7:46:09 PM Overall, Williams said that the screening methods are fairly satisfying. One popular option is the Chinese … This 'method' told me Hailey was a boy, FYI. Yes. Speaking of the science here, we’re informed that it possibly shows the most marginal changes happening in the likelihood of bearing a boy or a girl. The night before our gender reveal ultrasound, I asked Lucy if she was hoping for a sister or brother. It turned out to be cancer. How sex is determined at conception. Morning Sickness. I remember when I had my scan for my son years ago you could see his bits as clearly as anything so was definitely a boy lol but when I had my scan for my DD some 9 years ago I hadn't a clue how they knew it was a girl but there was definitely no boys bits so I guess I would believe them but if your not quite sure buy some neutral colour things. Photo Credit:MadeForMums. But if you are carrying a bit higher, you could be expecting a girl. I … Leg Hair. Hello! im just curious to see if anyone had the ultrasound tech see "testicles" but have the baby turn out to be a girl. But, i just want to get outside opinions to be sure :)) Thanks! Blood test said boy but morphology scan says girl: We had the verifi pre-natal test done at 12 weeks and were told we were having a boy. A 23-year-old says doctors dismissed her worrisome cough for 5 months. On whether she's hoping for a girl or boy, Sam added: 'As long as they’re healthy I could see myself with two daughters or a son and a daughter. I feel disappointed and worried if they messed up my blood work results. These before and after images are from actual 3d/4d ultrasound sessions performed at pregnantsee! It's less common for it to say girl and then be confirmed boy. At the end of the day all that matters is that the baby is healthy and I can sway for a girl for number 3 (my first is a boy). Nov 24th '12. Jackie and Jeff: Such a beautiful, sweet baby boy! It’s a boy or a girl. Meet the inventor saving the lives of pregnant women across Uganda. Did the blood work …. The ultrasound video was my first camcorder capture into a computer. Several studies have been conducted and have found that, in controlled settings, nub theory ranges between 98% and 100% in accuracy . Your baby’s gender is determined at the moment of conception – when the sperm contributed a Y chromosome, which creates a boy, or … A girl so Ivy can have a sister as a companion (being the only girl in the family with 2 older brothers) and so Jessa and Ben can tie their family to 2 boys and 2 girls and two and two in a row. When they visited the ultrasound, the doctor said that the future baby of the married couple was fine, and he could even tell the gender. Predictor says: BOY. I'm just wondering if this could still be a girl? When she had her ultrasound they told her it was a girl, she was crushed. Boy - genital nub points up 30 degrees or more Girl - genital nub points more parallel to the spine Not 100% sure if that is in fact the genital nub im seeing so clearly? Advertisement. Congratulations on your baby. Likes Received: 0. DNA Tests, Fetal Heart Rate, Chinese Gender Chart, the Drano Test, and more. If your OB won't do another ultrasound after 20 weeks, then maybe you can splurge and get a 3D or 4D one done as a treat for yourself. I´m from Sweden and in the last weeks there has been a discussion about whether you should get to know the s_x of your baby or not, since women from Norway come to our country to get that information. DNA Tests, Fetal Heart Rate, Chinese Gender Chart, the Drano Test, and more. The ultrasound technician is probably good at her job but it feels a little too soon to tell whether it´s a boy or a girl at week 12. But, you never know. If not, it's a girl. I wish I could say it’s been butterflies and … How sex is … So now I am extremely confused! According to the Nub Theory, you don’t have to wait those 18 long weeks. It’s the very first image of baby-to-be. The grainy, black and white 12-week ultrasound that makes it all seem so real. And apparently there are clues hidden in that first ultrasound image that may just tell you if you’re having a boy or a girl. I know the NIPT is supposed to be much more accurate than an ultrasound, but the ultrasound I had last week really looked like it showed a boy. ! A friend of mine was told girl at several scans through her pregnancy then gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy. At first they said it was a boy, then they said girl, then they said boy again. The kids were a mix as well with some thinking girl and others thinking boy. Answer (1 of 15): Exactly the same way you tell if you had the baby in your hand. ... None Had my 17 week ultrasound, tech says it's a girl! Ordinarily, most parents-to-be will be asked, when having an ultrasound, if they would like to find out the sex … First time mum here, I had my early gender scan at 16+6 and sonographer is adamant it's a girl! With proper expertise and equipment, ultrasounds can correctly predict the gender of the baby 95 percent of the time , said Dr. Iffath Hoskins, vice chair of patient safety and quality in the department of obstetrics and gynecology at NYU Langone Medical Center. I got blood work done at 10 weeks and it said a girl but here with the chinese calendar it says its a boy. How can you tell if its a boy or girl on a early ultrasound? Away to the hospital we went. 1. Your child’s external genitals start developing around week 4 of your pregnancy, but boy and girl genitalia are nearly identical in an ultrasound until around 18-20 weeks. It's a BOY! It was a girl!! I had a friend that just KNEW she was having a boy. Gender Odds. Home Woman Do 3 lines on an ultrasound mean it’s a girl? The didnt see a p__s but what "could be" testicles. Serkan wanted to know, but Eda is totally against it. Feb 3, 2016 at 5:27 AM. It is also my very first production with background music. If number 2 is a girl there probably would be no number 3, so maybe it is a sign from up above that I have a boy in order to go for the third child. How does a sonographer use the 3 lines at your 20-week scan to tell if … Sara-September 30, 2021. The position of your bump may also signal if you are expecting a boy or girl. Gender Swaying. And the lady who runs the ultrasound said my doctor shouldn't have even said anything because the sexual parts of the baby haven't even developed yet at that stage. Mood. He is experienced with early gender scans and his online reviews are good. Morris Township was pregnant with twins when she was told during an ultrasound that she was carrying a boy and a girl. DNA Tests, Fetal Heart Rate, Chinese Gender Chart, the Drano Test, and more. :) Looks like a boy to me! Understanding the Nub Theory. She said she didn't see boy parts and the girl parts were really swollen. Yes, virtually anything is possible. Pictures are 9 weeks and 12 weeks. I am now 15 weeks and went to a local ultrasound place and she said it was a boy. The blood test picked up a Y chromosome from the twin that … I … It's very possible that it can be a boy if they say girl. A doctor points to an x-ray showing a pair of lungs infected with TB. He is pretty sure it's a girl.. Sara-September 30, 2021. I got the NIPT done recently, and the results say I'm pregnant with a girl. Happy with boy or girl but just want to be sure. I would say your u/s techs accuracy is 50% - 50% chance she is right, 50% change she is wrong. The likelihood of carrying an inherited mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 (the prevalence) varies across specific population groups. But if you were to draw a straight line on the ultrasound along the bottom half of your babys spine you can see whether the nub is pointing clearly up and away from that line or not. Also the male is the one who determines what gender the child is going to be lol. Time will tell. Exact same situation Blood test said girl, ultrasound said boy. And when I posted my 12 week scan, the nub guesses did mainly all say boy. The OP said that she’s thankful her baby is healthy and happy, but she’s dealing with guilt for wanting a … But my friend had a little girl and her ultrasound was a little harder to read. 13 seems a little too early to me. Partner’s weight. im just curious to see if anyone had the ultrasound tech see "testicles" but have the baby turn out to be a girl. The didnt see a p__s but what "could be" testicles. Chinese Gender Chart. She said it looks like a boy but can't say so early. I found out at 15 weeks and 6 days. Hello so I used Natera and it said low risk and I was having a girl. But there was definitely something there in my ultrasound and definitely not something there in hers. Well, as you can see, it stayed pretty yellow. And apparently there are clues hidden in that first ultrasound image that may just tell you if you’re having a boy or a girl. There was a clear view of the private area from below, and we saw a pointy object protruding out from between the legs. Last week I had my FAMOUS ULTRASOUND – that usually tells what sex the baby is! She went out and bought all baby boy stuff. At my ultrasound my baby was not very cooperative. Now it`s the time when it will be announced, “it`s a girl!” or “It`s a boy!”. X Sperm and Y Sperm. In fact, there’s one ‘scientific’ method that claims a baby’s gender can be predicted as early Hair on your baby's body. But remember that if you really want to be sure of your baby’s sex, you must go through an ultrasound. 9. She said there are two things that could have happened 1. I'd say 15 weeks is a lot more reliable than 13. … : Today I had an early gender scan (14 weeks) and sonographer says baby is definitely a boy. We were about two seconds in to the ultrasound when the tech dropped the bomb. Ultrasound Gender Prediction. Your baby’s gender is determined at the moment of conception – when the sperm contributed a Y chromosome, which creates a boy, or … She was insistent that my little baby girl was in fact a baby boy. I know the NIPT is supposed to be much more accurate than an ultrasound, but the ultrasound I had last week really looked like it showed a boy. When part of an organ changes to. There was no mistaking that AT ALL. 29 other ways to tell if it’s boy or girl; How accurate is the 3 lines ultrasound method? About 2020 A Ultrasound Be Girl Boy Says Could It . To be able to apply the Nub Theory your baby needs to be in a clear profile position, so the length of their spine is visible. At first they said it was a boy, then they said girl, then they said boy again. Ultrasound Gender Prediction. I had another one a few days later because I had a shortened cervix with my last baby. 1. 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